This thread anne made to agan agan who already have a business type or waste plastic recycling of you who just want to start this type of business.
intents and purposes, in order to form a family business that can inform each other about the knowledge of the types of plastics that can be recycled to the share price and the price of raw material production.
Thread will be updated in accordance with the increasing number of IDs that merged to become a big family entrepreneurial recycled plastics and also penginapan di bandung.
PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)
Commonly found in beverage bottles or other liquid material consumption.
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene, high density polyethylene) usually found on detergent bottles. and Oil
PP (polypropylene) are generally found on bottle caps, straws, and some kinds of toys.
Hopefully this thread can be useful as a venue to gather, learn and do business with both types of processing waste plastic recycling
This may still be a simple Threaf namjun will continue to update the common interest
welcome and greeting a success.